Article archive
Diabolic Geneticide.
05/12/2013 16:28
OK ... sure ... but other than that we're good ... right?
Your DNA
05/11/2013 10:16
You no longer own your DNA ... through the magic of legislation Washington has given it over to the corporations.
Have a nice (un-owned) life !!!!
Attention all human beings
04/14/2013 14:02
Hey take a look at the Agenda 21 map ... then vote now ... and vote often! Look at all the areas that will be off limits to humans ... to protect biodiversity. Did you know this plan substantially reduces human populations (no not just in the biodiversity zones ... it reduces...
Understanding Money
04/09/2013 10:36
Some people say. "What you don't know won't hurt you!" ... my father always said. "It isn't what you don't know ... it's what you know, that ain't so!" In computer lingo it was said like this ... "Garbage in = Garbage out"
You don't truely understand money. You think you do ......
Weaponized Food!
03/29/2013 14:57
WEAPONIZED FOOD, now there is a concept you never thought of!
Fact 1: Not one single atom in your body was created there. Everyone of them came to you through the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe. Your body is a chemical processing miracle that takes the...
More Proof!
03/27/2013 18:48
Our own people in Washington lie to us about what they and our military are doing. Once again, solid proof of why so many foreign people hate Americans. You see they think the people in America support this kind of thing ... and why wouldn't they think that? They...
03/25/2013 19:49
Concepts of Government
03/25/2013 09:37
Concepts of Government
Government: A government is the system by which a state or community is governed. (Wikipedia)
Govern: To exercise continuous sovereign authority over. (Webster's)
At first blush the two definitions above seem to be exactly what you might expect. A government is a...
Is it Just Me?
03/19/2013 11:55
Is it Me?
Has anyone looked at the US Debt Clock lately? see
1. The total US Debt is $59.2 trillion ... liability per citizen = a mere $187,661.00
2. There is an unfunded debt of another $123.2 trillion ... liability per citizen = $1,087,696.00
3. Add personal debt...
We are already under military dictatorship!
03/19/2013 09:29
This video speaks for itself. We have alread given up all our rights and are operating the "government" under the auspices of the NDAA. Citizens of the world ... watch you 6 ... trust in God ... but keep your powder...
Items: 11 - 20 of 84