Article archive
Contrail vs Chemtrail ????
07/08/2012 12:22
It isn't all that difficult to remember our clear blue skies prior to the mid 1990s. It isn't all that difficult to remember that occasionally jet aircraft would display a "Contrail" that would dissipate rapidly as the airplane continued on its journey. But what I have seen behind...
Visitors notice
06/27/2012 18:25
We now have what might be considered to be a corporatocracy (see Wikipedia). Wake up! My purpose is not to get you to believe what I believe ... just to get you to understand things are not always as they appear. QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!!
Website launched
06/27/2012 18:24
Check the links I have included in each section ... then do you're own research. You'll be surprised how much of what you believed to be true ... simply isn't!
First blog
06/27/2012 18:24
Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.
The Bill of Rights
First there was the “Bill of Rights” and our belief in the precepts of “Freedom of Choice”. We...
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