Hacking Democracy
09/19/2012 14:50
Recently someone was quoted as saying “if your vote actually counted for anything … they would have already made it illegal!” and it sounded ridiculous … but is it?
Most voting today is counted by machine (computer). There are very few hard copies of anyone’s voting record from any election anywhere anymore … so is there nothing that can be used to confirm the accuracy of the computer tabulations. Can we rely on the results produced by these electronic devices? Can the results be tampered with? If we suspect the results may have been tampered with … how do we check the software systems for accuracy?
What if we had none of these protections? What if the companies that make the tabulating software claim the software is proprietary and that makes it un-examinable? What if we discovered all of the above was true … and we are being prevented from conducting any definitive test procedures? What if irregularities had already been uncovered … and we are still blocked from challenging the counts? What if they passed a law that said once a vote count was “certified” it could no longer be corrected … even if it was wrong? How can we know that any election is proper or accurate?
Here are two videos that you should study. If you don’t feel comfortable after watching … I have another question for you. Do you present your concerns to your elected officials … the same elected officials who may have attained office via fraudulent vote counts? And here is another question. When it seems the evidence is incontrovertible that tampering is not only possible but probable … how come no one gets in trouble … why is no one behind bars … why are these corporations are still in business. Can’t we just cancel their corporate charters?
Did you know your vote may be meaningless … and the point of the whole voting exercise might just be to keep you thinking that you still have a choice, when you don’t?
Oops, I almost forgot … check your watch … it may be time to wake up?
Someone to Look Up To?
09/19/2012 09:59
Look at who has made the top twenty lists of “Most Corrupt Members of Congress” according to a posting on
It just warms your heart to know we have put our fates in such good hands.
Make sure you read what they are “accused” of! What fun! (I just wish I was laughing … or enjoying this, even)
Oops, I almost forgot … check your watch … is it time to wake up yet?
Misinformation Abounds
09/18/2012 10:01
“Organic foods no healthier than conventional foods” … these are the published headlines all across the usual disinformation outlets: NPR, Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, WebMD and elsewhere … according to the website And these reports are supposedly based on a Stanford University “review”. See
Outline of Facts
First; the Stanford report was a review of previous studies. It contained no new research. (not mentioned in the headlines)
Second; the report states that there is no evidence of a significant difference in nutrients between organically and non-organically produced foods. (seems to be the basis for the sensationalized headlines above)
Third; the report does state there was a higher incidence of pesticide contamination in non-organically produced foods. (Obviously not mentioned in the headlines)
Wikipedia, on organic foods:
The Study’s Conclusion
“The published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods. Consumption of organic foods may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.”
Now let’s be honest. If organic foods reduce exposure to pesticide residues and bacteria … and contaminants like that have been proven to be harmful … just how in the world do you get a headline like “Organic foods no healthier than conventional foods”? Is there a hidden agenda here? Was it so important to sensationalize the report that they needed to color the facts to make the conclusions by Stanford look like something else? Also, please note that I highlighted the word evidence in item two above. When they state there is no evidence of a difference in nutrients … it’s a play on words. It doesn’t mean there is no difference … it only means no evidence of a difference was presented in the reviewed materials.
There is an old quote from Black Hawk (an American Indian warrior and chief) that says … "How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right.”
So if our media sources will go to this extent to misrepresent the facts … it poses the question of “why”. I do not have the room here to chase a conclusion for you. But my suggestion to you is “follow the money”. Trace it backwards to the corporations that would benefit from making you think consuming pesticides and other contaminants is OK.
Oops, I almost forgot … check your watch … is it time to wake up yet?
Federal Reserve Bails Us Out Again!
09/17/2012 14:51
The Fed said it will spend $40 billion a month purchasing mortgage debt through the end of the year, and left open the possibility of continuing the program until conditions improve. Additionally, it will continue its bond purchases as well as push back its deadline for raising short-term interest rates from 2014 to 2015 -- another way The Fed's attempted to spur growth through more borrowing and spending. See
Forgive me if I am just a little underwhelmed by The Fed’s announcement of a new Quantitative Easement Plan
As I understand it … The Fed (The Federal Reserve Bank) is not part of our United States Government. As I understand it … any and all monies created (printed or digitized) are sold to the Federal Government at full face value for which, in addition, we owe interest. In fact, all monies currently in circulation are a debt the USA owes to the Federal Reserve.
That being said … it then follows that …
When The Fed creates more money … let’s say $40 Billion per month … it increases the National Debt, doesn’t it? That couldn’t possibly ease the financial crisis, could it? But believe it or not, things actually get worse from here. If The Fed buys these mortgage debts and at some point must foreclose on the loans … they get the property and we still owe the original debt. Don’t forget … all monies in circulation are part of the National Debt … and in effect that means those funds can never be paid back as long as they are still in circulation.
So this is how it unfolds. The money is created (again, out of thin air) and we owe that money plus interest. The Fed buys mortgage debt which is backed by hard assets called real estate. In the event of a foreclosure The Fed ends up owning the real estate … not the US Government. So in effect they have no risk, all potential rewards, collect interest on the debt from both sides and if everything goes down the big flush … they get to determine the disposition of the real estate (by buying it themselves or even selling to their rich buddies) … all at bargain basement prices.
The Fed owns all the money. We own no money … just the debt of that money and the interest accrued. And soon the banksters will own all the real estate too. The only thing left … that we can own … is our labor … and that will go toward paying the interest outstanding on the National Debt created … so the banks could foreclose and own all the real estate. Hats off to the people in Washington … they don’t know it yet … but they too will sink with the ship.
Oh, by the way ... there is actually a term for this situation where humans own only their labors against an outstanding debt. Can you say ... “Debt Slaves”?
Oops, I almost forgot … check your watch … is it time to wake up yet?
Unalienable Rights
09/01/2012 13:25
United Nations - Agenda 21
08/31/2012 15:28
Check out this video ( No ranting or raving … no conspiracy theory rhetoric … just an honest (if not brief) evaluation of the U.N.s Agenda 21. Of course to say it is only the U.N. is a little misleading. As you will see in the video our government (through the president himself) has signed on to this plan. In other words, it’s coming to your state, your community, your neighborhood, and your home.
If you haven’t read Agenda 21, you should. Here is a direct link to the U.N.s website on it … There is a lot of information, written and in video form about it … and you should inform yourself on just how they plan to take away a substantial chunk of your rights, not just as a citizen of the planet, but as a human being. The whole thing is carefully worded to make you believe it’s all so wonderful that we want to save our ecosystems and habitats. And we do want to do that … but … pay close attention to the HOW part of their plans.
Take away all the language intended to make sustainability sound like it something that is for the good of everyone … take away the obvious propaganda aspects of the “double-speak” ( they use … so pay close attention to the population reduction references in Agenda 21.
Oops, I almost forgot … check your watch … is it time to wake up yet?
Chemtrails ... Oh, it's real alright!
08/28/2012 12:29
Check out these videos!
1. What in the World are They Spraying (up high in the sky?
2. Why in the World are They Spraying?
Now check your watch … is it time to wake up yet? I’m asking because the stuff they are spraying is in the air we breathe … it’s in the rivers, lakes, and streams … and it’s in the soil too. So we are breathing it, drinking it and consuming its residuals in the food we grow from our soils. I don’t know about you, but I did not approve the idea of breathing, drinking, and eating these toxic chemicals. This stuff doesn’t just go away by itself … it is being absorbed by every life form on the planet.
Check your watch again!
Fluoridation of the Water
08/27/2012 14:20
The fluoride they put in our drinking water … is an industrial waste product? Here is an interesting presentation on what seems to be the fact … fluoride in the water “dumbs us down” (among other tragic health effects), they know it, they have always known it, but they put it in the water anyway. Why????
The link below is just one information source. There are many others. So do your own research … but start here.
Dr. Monteith (in the video above) also refers to Edward Bernays. If you don’t know who Bernays is … it’s time you find out about him too.
See and see
Bernays found out our opinions could be artificially structured and formulated. He showed marketers and governments exactly how to do it. In effect our (your) opinions are not ours (yours) anymore … our (your) opinions have been carefully manufactured so we will believe what they want us to believe. Period!
At one point … in the popular TV series X-Files … the character Mulder (an FBI agent) makes an interesting statement. He said "I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation."! Hmmmm. What other nonsense have we come to accept as true ... because they told us so?
Or how about .... Fluoride, aspertame, and agenda 21? What do you know about that ...
Check your watch … is it time to wake up yet?
Identity Theft and Fraud
08/24/2012 15:07
A common practice among service companies (like insurance companies, utilities, and others) across the country is to insist that you reveal personal information, bank account access numbers, and/or credit card information … and sign authorizations for them to collect directly from your private or business accounts. As an incentive for you to give away control … many times they will offer a discount. Some companies do it the opposite way, “Oh, you don’t want us to have direct access … well without access our price goes up!”
Let’s analyze the risks you face when you give out access information and/or authorization for direct/automatic bill payments.
1.Thieves are well aware of which companies collect payment/source data directly from their customers. Such companies are a prime target for them. It doesn’t matter whether the it’s an inside informant leaking information or hackers breaking into the computer systems … you are still a victim and it will still cost you dearly if some unauthorized thief steals money from your bank account or credit card.
2.The companies that demand you pay through automatic withdrawals or credit card access claim they maintain the minimum standards required by law for consumer protection. Sounds good … right? Minimum standards actually mean that they do what they need to … to avoid any legal issues that might be involved if someone comes after them for negligence. Negligence means they didn’t meet those minimum standards … in which case they might be liable for your losses. Have you ever heard a company claim they meet MAXIMUM standards … no, you haven’t … because they don’t.
3.The more times you give out such personal information the more you expose yourself to being hit by thieves or by identity theft. If you allow such access twice … it doesn’t mean you are twice as likely to get hit … the risk is much higher than that. Larger companies have hundreds of people with access to personal consumer account information … so each exposure increases your risk hundreds of times.
4.Insurance companies and banks … in particular … are well aware that their supposedly secure account information files are susceptible to hackers (and/or information leaks from within) … the fact is they have actuarial tables that estimate all forms of loss potentials. They also know that in order for them to be legally held as negligent … you would have to prove they didn’t meet minimum protection standards. Since they essentially wrote the standards there is little chance you would be able to prove such a thing. Further, you would also need to prove that your loss was directly traceable to an attack (or leak) from their databases. Proving that would probably be next to impossible too!
5.If you have authorized direct withdrawals from bank account or credit cards … you can’t just call the bank or Credit Card Company and tell them to stop paying such-and-such account. They will tell you it is electronic and you will need to go directly to the company that is charging your account and get them to stop taking your money. Personally, I have had trouble with this in the past. In one particular instance in order to put a stop to it … I had to close my checking account and open a new one. What’s worse is if the company you gave access to … closes its doors … now you have no one to help you stop the charges and those charges could continue for months … and any potential for recovery could be subject to the whims of a bankruptcy court.
6.Here is one you’ll like. Insurance companies protect themselves by maintaining minimum standards for database protection (that they wrote to protect themselves from liability). Then they turn around and sell you insurance to protect yourself from identity theft. Ya just gotta love it!
7.Companies that insist you pay with automatic withdrawals claim it saves them money. To save them money you give up control … is that really the tradeoff you want to make? You can’t get them to stop charging you … unless they agree to stop charging you. Now ask yourself this question. Have you ever had a disagreement with a company you are doing business with … personally or in the business arena? Enough said!
8.Am I indicating that you can’t trust anyone? Absolutely not! It’s simple really. There are thieves out there and it is impossible to know where or who they might go after next. Be honest, if you put a burglar alarm on your home … it’s not because you don’t trust your neighbors? And it’s not likely that a company you do business with would steal from you either. You have a burglar alarm because you don’t know who or when someone might attempt to break in your house and you’re smart enough that you don’t keep a key under the front matt. You don’t want someone stealing your identity or accessing your bank/credit card accounts either … but giving automated access to these companies that insist you pay that way … is tantamount to putting a key under your matt for hackers and thieves.
9.When you get right down to it … this whole direct pay nonsense is actually a bully tactic that companies use. It offers little advantage to you, puts you at a much higher risk for loss and/or identity theft, takes control of your money out of your, and guarantees them an automated revenue stream.
Sure … automated payments are the trendy thing to do … but is it really the smart thing to do?
Elections are Coming
08/23/2012 10:09
Election time is just around the corner and the politicians are still playing point-counterpoint around the same old issues. They like dwelling on the state of the economy, unemployment, abortion, and mud-slinging. Is anyone besides me sick to death of it? I’m not saying these issues aren’t important … I’m just saying that these are the same issues we have debated for 50 years without a resolution in sight. I’m also saying that in spite of all the election promises we have heard … most go unfulfilled.
I’m asking every voter, every concerned citizen, and every family with children to demand answers from their elected officials on a few different issues. But more than that, I’m asking voters to press for our elected officials to actually fulfill their promises.
Here are a few things I have written about … and concern, not just the people as individuals, but everyone on the planet. If you are not familiar with some of these issues read some of my previous blogs, do your own research (don’t believe me), and then demand answers from your elected officials.
Here are some important issues they never talk about …
1.Chemtrails … what are they spraying at high altitudes, why, who approved this program, and how do we stop it?
2.Fracking … It is obvious that the toxic chemicals they use in this process can, and do, leak into the air, water table, and soil. Why has the EPA ignored the incredibly obvious dangers in such practices? Can anyone explain how they would cap a leaking rock stratum 3 miles down in solid (albeit fractured) rock?
3.Corporation mentality … where profit is the motive, and it always is, corporations cut corners that pollute. Why are corporate stockholders, executives, and board members granted immunity from personal culpability for such blatant infractions. Should international corporations be allowed to shield themselves from litigation and clean=up costs using our bankruptcy laws?
4.Corporate ownership of life … should a non-living “legal” entity be allowed to own life? Corporations have managed to capture copyrights to certain DNA sequences … if a living thing has that sequence in its DNA corporations claim ownership. Right now they own a majority of our food crops … they are researching the same processes with farm animals … how long do you think it might be before they begin claiming rights to human life?
5.The Federal Reserve … They are not part of our government yet they print the money we use … loan it to us at full face value and charge us interest on it besides. Whose idea was this? How did our representative in Washington fall for this trick when we could have printed our own money? The money they loan us is printed out of thin air … and right now the total amount of currency in circulation is only about 3% of our National Debt. Do people realize the government signed on to this debt and that means it is owed by every man, woman, and child in the USA?
6.Our Garbage … you throw it in a garbage can and someone hauls it away. They are building mountains of this stuff … covering it over with soil (out of sight – out of mind) and calling it waste management. Why does the general population not realize that eventually … every landfill is going to leak toxic stuff into the soil and water table?
7.Free Press … Is it really? Most news services are owned by multinational corporations who’s interests can be protected by controlling what news and what facts are given to the public. Do you really want a corporatocracy to control the information flow?
8.UN agenda 21 … This is an interesting document and worldwide plan for the future. They want to reduce the population by more than 80%. Are you aware that our government has signed on to this plan? Are you aware that our president told congress he didn’t need their approval to go to war against Libya … he said he got his power from the UN?
9.Air, Water and Soil … We talk about our unalienable rights and our constitution … but it was never conceived that one day these things might be considered commodities. Let’s face it … we have taken every resource the planet offers and turned those things into profit centers. Wouldn’t you consider the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the soil in which we grow our food to be unalienable to humans … without paying some corporation for the privilege?
10.Social Engineering … don’t miss the video on Edward Bernays and the one on Humans as a resource.
Take a look at the page Mother Earth and Father Sky on my website for “Songs of the Shaman” . Review the video links at each heading and if you are not astounded by the things our elected representatives are not addressing in this upcoming election … then I really don’t know what it might take to wake you up.
Now do something …